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Monday, November 29, 2010

Poor Taste?

I suppose this item in the Enterprise caught my eye because I was in the musicals in highschool. Times have sure changed. This musical is dark comedy . A 20-year drought has caused a water shortage leading to a government ban on private toilets. Citizens must use and pay for public amenities that are regulated by a corrupt company that threatens to send violators of the law to "Urinetown." On another granddaughter will be in South Pacific this spring. I'm wondering if the navy will have to sing 'now ain't that too darn bad' or if they'll be allowed to sing damn. Times are changing.


The closing of Lake Lawn made me think of all us college bound students who worked there to pay our tuition. That was when one summers work netted enough for a year at State Colleges.

November committe meeting

Pam Woodford, Joan Smith, Theresa DeWolfe, Barb Willard, Sue Johnson, Myrt Klaske, Frank DeVoy and Larry DuBois met at the Waterfront for more discussion, a few assignments and lunch. Picture me in the empty chair next to Frank (I'm taking the picture)