To add your comment to this blog

1. email me and I'll post your material or
2. click on comment under any entry and a text box will appear. Write, sign your name and when asked just click on may be asked to copy some squiggly letters into a text box, do that and your comment is posted. Pictures need to be sent or emailed to me....and I'd love to see some.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I've let the month of December slip by without comment as there is no news. A few of our classmates have headed south for some warmer weather. Personally I like the snow and being able to bundle up and go outside into the cold, crisp air. What isn't so great is looking at mud beneath the melting snow. It's time for a fresh layer here in Goshen for sure. Fifty years ago this would have been our last Christmas vacation from highschool. Guess they call it 'winter break' now.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Poor Taste?

I suppose this item in the Enterprise caught my eye because I was in the musicals in highschool. Times have sure changed. This musical is dark comedy . A 20-year drought has caused a water shortage leading to a government ban on private toilets. Citizens must use and pay for public amenities that are regulated by a corrupt company that threatens to send violators of the law to "Urinetown." On another granddaughter will be in South Pacific this spring. I'm wondering if the navy will have to sing 'now ain't that too darn bad' or if they'll be allowed to sing damn. Times are changing.


The closing of Lake Lawn made me think of all us college bound students who worked there to pay our tuition. That was when one summers work netted enough for a year at State Colleges.

November committe meeting

Pam Woodford, Joan Smith, Theresa DeWolfe, Barb Willard, Sue Johnson, Myrt Klaske, Frank DeVoy and Larry DuBois met at the Waterfront for more discussion, a few assignments and lunch. Picture me in the empty chair next to Frank (I'm taking the picture)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dave Koepnick

Yes, I still walk the face of the earth and am thankful everyday. My wife, Julie, and I live in New Bern, North Carolina. We have been here for 10 years and love it.

So much water over the dam and I don't type fast so just a short note.

I still keep in touch with George and Cheryl Wilkins often. Bob and Joy Schneider some and Larry DuBois also.

I am on facebook because my daughter hounded me until I tried it. I don't go there often because working at a pc all day kills the fun.

When I get away from work, I enjoy riding my Harley or spending time with my wife and grandsons.

Thanks for listening
Dave Koepnick
Compter Operations Supervisor
CarolinaEast Health System

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ron Armantrout

We received a very nice response from Mary Sadler, Ron's companion for 13 years. He passed away on November 7, 2007 of congestive heart failure. He is survived by 2 adult children and 3 grandchildren. These are the response letters we didn't want to get.

Bonnie Boltz

Just heard from Bonnie and she is on FB. Haven't received permission to publish her email address yet, but hope to soon.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Just connected with Carolyn Oliver Jungwirth on Facebook. Another CA resident. Maybe Nauseda is right....we should have a reunion in CA.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Official Contact Person

Frank (Skip) DeVoy has agreed to be our official keeper of the classlist and has promised not to move, change his email or die. It is a lifelong commitment. Everyone with information should contact him and he forwards it to everyone else. or 628 N.78th Street, Wauwatosa WI 53213. Thanks Frank your Excel worksheets are awesome.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Class of '61 is planning a celebration!

Has it really been that long???? 50 years in 2011???? Plans are underway for a Celebration. Let's get together and reconnect! Get your calendar and start planning now for Celebration during the weekend of
September 9, 10, 11, 2011
Tentative Itinerary to Include:
Sunset Cruise on the 9th
Dinner at Delbrook on the 10th
Beach Party at Township Park on the 11th
Let us know if you are interested in any of the above events so that we can get our reservations in early. Also, let us know about any other activities that may interest you, such as golf or fishing, for Friday or Saturday afternoon.
Please let us know which of the events you plan to attend a.s.a.p. so we can make the reservations early.
Pictures, old and new are welcome. Send them to Myrt Klaske Roth via email at and she will post them on the blog. Snail mail also works 22288 Canyon River Drive, Goshen IN 46528
Any change of address, please notify:
Frank DeVoy, or
628 N.78th Street, Wauwatosa WI 53213

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Blog Archives

In the left column you can see previous month's entries with a click of your mouse. Good pictures there too.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bucket List

Now that you're retired or semi-retired what is on your list of things to do before you 'kick the bucket' ? To post, click on comment. Sign your name in the text box and if asked for name click anonymous. Have you seen the movie? I loved it.

Friday, June 4, 2010

More 2005

Thanks Mary Ann for emailing the pictures of you and the guys and of the girls. So I include the group pictures, which you missed out on because you were galavanting around somewhere, and one of you on the zip line because all will want to know you are still a daredevil.

Who's on Facebook?

Class Reunions are Fun (2005)

Those Were the Days

Do you know where your ERA is?

Congratulations on 48 years!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Then and Now

I went to visit Karen at her island summer home in Dewagiac MI. And here's Margaret beside her 2009 Christmas photo.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our football team

Parden me while I experiment with adding more pictures.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010