1. email me and I'll post your material or
2. click on comment under any entry and a text box will appear. Write, sign your name and when asked just click on anonymous....you may be asked to copy some squiggly letters into a text box, do that and your comment is posted. Pictures need to be sent or emailed to me....and I'd love to see some.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Bucket List
Now that you're retired or semi-retired what is on your list of things to do before you 'kick the bucket' ? To post, click on comment. Sign your name in the text box and if asked for name click anonymous. Have you seen the movie? I loved it.
We have 31 email contacts from our class and most of those have responded in some way so we know they are active. I used to write letters and still do so I'm not surprised when some people answer and others don't. However, it's nice to know we're conquering technology in spite of our age.
7/24/11 This number is now up to 58 and will be handed out with the current class list at the reunion.
If you'd like to share information or ask questions, contact Myrt Klaske at rothmy@maplenet.net. Keep in touch. Check this blog for updates.
From Sandra Thomas Niles
Hi! back!!! I have been in contact with one classmate only for years - Barb Willard Oehlke. I found her on facebook just before coming home last Sept for an impromptu family reunion at the Darien Corn Fest. It was a ball. Went to Nursing School at Swedish-American in Rockford and have been cross-country since and ended up here in Macon, NC as retirement site. My older brother lives in the Raleigh area to make it a little more friendly. We have a home on a feeder creek to lake Gaston on the VA border. I have 1 child- a son who is career Navy - and currently at Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, CA working on a PHD in applied physics. He has 2 beautiful girls. I continue to work on an as needed basis as an ICU nurse. I work maybe 4-5 12 hour shifts/month. I had to swear in blood to Barb that I would be back for the reunion.
A Note from Leonard
I am replying to your note about a potential reunion in 2011. I am definitely interested. I am currently living in Brown County, Indiana and am semi-retired. My wife and I have lived here, in same house since 1968. Keep me on the list. Both of my parents have passed away ('94 and '99), so I haven't had much reason to visit Wisconsin the the past 10 years, but we did stop in to Darien on the way through the area in August as we were heading out west on a 3 week vacation. We stayed in Petaluma one night and tourd SF the next day and then headed south towards San Jose and ended up spending the night in Bakersfield before visiting Death Valley. It's a little different out there than rural Indiana. We drive a large motorhome and pull a Honda CR-V behind it. You can't change lanes very quickly with a rig like that, so it was a little exciting maneuvering through traffic at times. Good to hear from you.
Leonard Logterman
I have always wanted to go to N.Y.C and Alaska. Looks like Alaska may happen next summer. Myrt
ReplyDeleteI would like to go to Alaska also.
ReplyDeleteI have a sister in Anchorage.
Dave Koepnick is the anonymous with a sister in Anchorage. Thanks for your comments Dave.