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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pam's Alaskan trip

I just discovered how to cut and paste from my email to this blog.  No one is safe now :)  This was Pam's response about a class trip to Alaska (see below)

We have taken the cruise before and this year we did our own land touring not connected to any cruise. The scenery on the Alaskan cruise is beautiful especially near Juneau and Glacier Bay. We didn't cruise all the way to Seward or Whittier. The Kenai Peninsula is beautiful as well. All the people we have talked to recommend doing the land portion first because you put in long days on the tours in Denali and then the train-bus travel takes time as well. That way when you cruise you just relax and enjoy. We took a flight around Mt. McKinley that I highly recommend for anyone's bucket list. I don't think Dave and I will join you all as we have other things on our bucket list to work on but it was my favorite cruise and we have taken several. Dave completed his goal (bucket list) of golfing in every state. Alaska was the last one.

I am planning to write a short letter for Frank to email reminding classmates to keep us updated on address changes, email addresses and phone numbers. Remember our next reunion get together is just 4 years away. We will attend Dave's 50th in two weeks.

Hope you all had a great summer.


Sent from my iPad

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